ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – Regrouping after the Rams left town: the Regional Sports Authority is planning to market the Dome at America’s Center to more trade shows to fill the eight fall weekends the team once took up.
“Trade shows are more amendable to facilities like we have in St. Louis,” says Jim Shrewsbury, head of the Regional Sports Authority. “They’re not really looking for posh places on the east coast. They’re looking for a reliable area that’s easily accessible.”
Shrewsbury says he has no regrets about the failed attempt to keep the Rams here by offering to build a new stadium, but he says he wishes the final vote by the NFL had been closer because it appears the fix was in for Los Angeles no matter what St. Louis offered.
“We’d been led to believe all along that we really had a chance at getting this team,” Shrewsbury said.
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