ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – Ferguson protesters stormed several local Walmart stores, a casino, and even a private event for St. Louis County Executive candidate Steve Stenger last night. Some also unfurled banners at the Edward Jones Dome during a St. Louis Rams game.
Protestors split into groups, and made each stop quick to stay ahead of police.
Shoppers and a U.S. Senator were among those affected by the day of civil disobedience called Moral Monday in reaction to local police shootings.
In Webster Groves, protestors tried to infiltrate a Steve Stenger fundraiser.
“Sen. Claire McCaskill and Stenger are in there, and some people say that (Bob) McCulloch is in there, as well. And, we just want to talk to the people who are up there, but they refuse to come down,” one protestor said.
Other protesters shut down multiple Walmart locations, marching through the dairy and household products departments in Maplewood.
Police with helmets and shields cleared the Maplewood Walmart of both marchers and shoppers.
“If they want to protest, they shouldn’t disturb other people or cause businesses to close because of it,” one shopper said.
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